Online performances
Our online concert series, beginning on 1st July 2020, is a way to keep music alive during this period when concert halls are closed – we want to keep sharing our music with you, as well as provide work for our musicians, some of whom are struggling at the moment. You can find them on our YouTube channel as well as on Facebook. These are live performances of great works from our repertoire as well as our more light-hearted programmes, all performed with the necessary coronavirus precautions in place and specially recorded for you to enjoy.
We can’t sell tickets for these concerts, but they still cost money to produce. We hope you will be inspired to donate what you think a ticket to the concert is worth to you, as a gesture of solidarity with our musicians and a way of meeting some of our costs. All donations will be used to keep the “live” music flowing, even when we can’t all be in the same room together. We’re looking forward to welcoming you back to a concert again soon!