Armonico Consort’s Unlocked Festival


For our final flourish of the summer term, we’re waving goodbye to lockdown with ‘Armonico Consort’s Unlocked Festival’ (15-17 July).  Join us for three fabulous days of live recorded concerts, interviews, singing workshops, musical recollections, a virtual choir and more, all via Facebook and YouTube.

Among the highlights, wine expert Oz Clarke and Armonico Consort musicians perform a live, recorded performance of Oz & Armonico Drink to Music (Part 1 of 4), filmed at The Court House Warwick as part of our brand new concert series (Thu 16th, 6pm).  Christopher Monks enjoys A Crafty Beer with The King’s Singers (Wed 15th, 6pm) in his continuing set of interviews (watch previous interviews here) and violinist Salomé Rateau shares her recollections and plays Spring from Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons with Armonico Consort’s Baroque Players (Wed 15th, 1pm) in the latest Unlocking Baroque Memories (watch the series).

The Festival centrepiece is a massed virtual choir featuring the whole Armonico family singing our special version of the Beach Boys’ classic God Only Knows (Fri 17th, 2pm).  The track has been recorded live at The Court House, Warwick, by our professional singers and instrumentalists – using baroque instruments!  There are contributions from members of our AC Academy choirs and Scholars, and from our Voice Squad workplace and community choirs including University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire singing from their ambulance bay and Austin Heath Retirement Village from their garden.

Watch out also for a last live Sing ‘n’ Shine children’s singing session with Patrick Stockbridge, plus a throwback to an earlier one in the series.  Simon Lole leads a Sing with Simon workshop for older people and there’s another chance to see the first of our new live, recorded concerts, Dido and Aeneas.

Do join us from Wednesday 15 – Friday 17 July as we close the lockdown chapter and period of emergency delivery, thank our NHS, and move forward to the recovery and restoration of our activities from Autumn.

If you’re able to help us to keep making music at a time when it is especially valued, we are very grateful for all donations, however small.  Please visit our donate page.


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