An update from Christopher Monks

In response to Coronavirus restrictions, at the end of March Armonico Consort’s founder and Artistic Director, Christopher Monks, outlined how we were adapting our work and moving our tried-and-tested singing workshops into the virtual world to enable us to support schools, children at home, care homes and those caring for dementia sufferers.

The Singing Nation: Kenya Diary (Part 3)

The final part of their Kenya Diary from March sees Christopher Monks and Toby Young lead a workshop at a Maasai school, join the incredible Juakali Drummers, and visit a haven for girls caught up in drugs and prostitution.  Along the way, they attempt to the learn the drums and are made honorary Maasai warriors

The Singing Nation: Kenya Diary (Part 2)

In the second of a three-part diary of their Choir Creation visit to Kenya, Christopher Monks and Toby Young experience two very contrasting situations – the first a centre for young boys rescued from the street, many of whom were orphans. The second, a school set in the middle of nowhere, almost tribal, and their first experience of the Kenyan Maasai heritage.  

The Singing Nation: Kenya Diary (Part 1)

In Kenya, singing and culture is at the heart of the education system but there is little support and training.  In an action-packed visit in March, Artistic Director, Christopher Monks, and Composer in Residence, Toby Young, piloted a choir creation programme, learned songs and music, became honorary Maasai warriors and made an emergency evacuation before coronavirus lockdown. 

Armonico Consort is changing (temporarily)!

An update from our Artistic Director, Christopher Monks on short-term changes to re-focus Armonico Consort’s work to deliver some of our most valuable projects – our tried-and-tested singing workshops – in schools and care homes where they are most needed, and to create an emergency fund to support our freelance musicians.

Meet the President: Roger Medwell MBE DL

Read our fascinating interview with our President Roger Medwell MBE, DL – a former engineer and captain of industry now helping to steer Armonico Consort in its concert and charitable missions.

Teenage singers invited to audition for AC Academy Scholarship

We’re inviting talented teenage singers from the Warwick, Coventry and Solihull areas to audition to become AC Academy Scholars with free tuition and coaching from top professionals, high-level performance opportunities and mentoring for Oxbridge and university choral scholarships.

My Favourite Thing to Sing

INTERVIEW: Royal wedding soprano Elin Manahan Thomas tells Christopher Morley about singing for billions and touring “my very favourite thing to sing”, Bach’s B minor mass, which she’ll do – with Armonico Consort – this spring.

Voice Squad workplace choirs bring Christmas cheer to Coventry

Hats off (scarves on) to our Voice Squad workplace choirs at Coventry City Council and University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire for warming a very chilly evening at the Coventry Christmas Lights switch-on with their rousing singing.

Josh and Lara become Finzi Trust Scholars

Gerald Finzi (1901-1956) is one of the most significant figures in British 20th century music, particularly when it comes to choral and vocal music.  So we were delighted when the charitable trust set up in his memory agreed to support two of our AC Academy Scholars.